Best Cable Avoidance Tool

Cable Avoidance Tool & Signal Generators are a vital addition to the Trace and Access leak detection contractor. Most CAT tools have three modes Power – The Power mode provides the most efficient…
Types of Mould

Types of Mould

With the onset of winter, the combination of the cold wet weather and lack of ventialation as we close our windows and doors can culminate to indoor types of mould.…
carpet cleaning technique

Carpet Cleaning Techniques

Professional carpet cleaning companies use many carpet cleaning techniques. Each has advantages and disadvantages. The different methods of carpet cleaning fall into the following categories. – dry cleaning, wet cleaning…
mouldy materials

How to prevent Mould

How to prevent mould and mildew is imperative for it can have an adverse effect on people. Those with allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems should stay away from infested…