DEFRA Flood Grant

defra flood grant

Claim up to £5000 for Flood Defences to protect your home

Defra flood grant has announced Property Flood Resilience Scheme grants of up to £5,000 will be made available through local authorities to help homes and businesses to become more resilient to flooding by helping to pay for a range of property improvements.

The grant can be used towards the costs of installing flood defences to protect your home from future flooding, such as installing Flood Barriers or Flood Doors.

The government has today (21 September) announced an extension of the £5,000 grant scheme available to homes and businesses affected by flooding last winter.

The Property Flood Resilience (PFR) scheme will be extended by nine months to take into account delays to repair work and the additional pressures placed on local authorities by coronavirus. The extension will give homeowners and businesses more time to carry out repairs and local authorities a greater period to process the grants.

The new deadline for applications from communities flooded in November 2019 is now 31 December 2021, while those flooded in February 2020 have until 1 July 2022.

The grants of up to £5,000 are a contribution towards making a property more resilient to future flooding, such as putting in flood doors and raising electrics from ground level.

The extension aims to provide reassurance to eligible communities across the country affected by the flooding in November 2019 and Storms Ciara and Dennis in February 2020, giving them more time to build back better following the additional challenges placed on the country due to coronavirus.

  • Thousands of pounds to be made available for flooded homes and businesses
  • Local Government Secretary triggers Flood Recovery Framework to support areas hit by Storm Dennis and Storm Ciara
  • Flood-hit homes and businesses can apply for up to £5,000 to help make them more resilient to future flooding
  • Flood-hit households can apply for up to £500 and 100% council tax relief
  • Flooded businesses can apply for up to £2,500 and 100% business rates relief

Click here to See Government announcement