Literature on unbiased dehumidification technology is hard to find. There is now a valuable E-book resource for technicians and others interested in humidity control.
Most suppliers will advertise all the good points of their machines, but not the principles behind them
The principles of dehumidification at the domestic level and within industrial applications of dehumidifiers, along with design considerations for refrigerant dehumidifiers can be found in this informative handbook.
The use of dehumidification in swimming pools and for food and flower storage is also discussed.
This reference guide is comprised of 11 chapters and begins with an introduction to dehumidification, paying particular attention to how it addresses the problems created by high water vapor content in air. The historical development of air drying and the use of psychrometric charts to describe the state of damp air as well as to illustrate ways of lowering the relative humidity of moist air are also considered.
The next chapter presents three methods of removing moisture from air: sorbent dehumidification, refrigerant dehumidification, and air-cycle dehumidification. The reader is also introduced to design considerations for refrigerant dehumidifiers, domestic applications of dehumidifiers, installation of dehumidifiers in a swimming pool, and industrial dehumidification. The final chapter is devoted to additional sources of information on dehumidifiers and dehumidification, including journals, professional bodies, and research.