Salvage of Mouldy materials

mouldy materials

Emergency salvage of mouldy materials

The following advice is offered in the context of a crisis situation and includes only basic stabilisation techniques. It does not address the complexities and difficulties of dealing with wet and mouldy materials. A professional water damage restoration contractor should be consulted if questions arise or if further treatment is necessary.


Remember that mould likes four things:

  • moisture
  • heat
  • poor air circulation
  • dark

Click here for the different types of Mould

Symptoms of sickness from mould

Some people believe that mould exposure is a serious health concern. However, no conclusive research suggests that exposure to mould causes conditions as serious as cancer or lung disease.

The first step in fighting mould growth

The first step in fighting mould growth is to get the wet or damp material dry. If you know you cannot get the material dry right away, it is best to freeze it, if a freezer is available. This will stabilise the material (mould will stop growing) until you have a chance to dry it. If the item is small enough, it can be placed in the freezer compartment of a home refrigerator; for large items a commercial freezer may be necessary.

Wet material should be dried in a cool dry space with good air circulation. An air conditioned space is the best for this purpose, but if that is impossible, use fans to circulate air (do not aim fans directly at the object, however, as the air pressure can cause damage). If possible, use a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air. Place paper toweling or non-printed newsprint (regular newspapers may transfer print to the wet objects) under the drying items to absorb moisture, and change this blotting material often.

Air Drying mouldy materials

Air drying takes time and attention, since you must check drying materials often, and you must maintain cool, dry environment, additional mould will grow. Materials may be dried outside in the sun if the outside humidity is low, but be aware that sun may cause fading and other damage. Never leave materials outside overnight.

Unfortunately, “quick cures” that you may have heard about (such as using lysol and bleaching objects) are often ineffective, especially where large-scale damage is involved. These measures may even cause additional damage to items or be toxic to people.

Special attention should be paid to framed objects, such as prints and drawings, since they are especially vulnerable to mold growth. A frame provides an ideal environment for mould; the back is dark, air does not circulate, and humidity is trapped inside. Framed materials should be unframed immediately, and dried as above. If the item appears to be stuck to the glass in the frame, remove the backing materials from the frame and leave the item in the frame and attached to the glass. Place the framed item in a cool, dry space as described above. Do not attempt to remove the item from the glass; that should be left to a professional water damage restoration contractor.

Once mouldy material is dry, take a soft, wide brush and lightly brush the powdery mould off the surface of the item. Be sure not to rub the mould into the surface, since that will attach it permanently to paper fibers or the cover of a book. Plan to brush off mould outdoors, in front of a window exhaust fan, into a ventilation hood, or in some area designed to remove the mould spores from indoor environments. Mould spores will float in the air indoors, settle on surfaces, and remain to infect other items if conditions are favourable.


An alternative is to vacuum the mould (this should also be done outdoors), but DO NOT VACUUM THE ITEM DIRECTLY, since the suction can easily damage fragile materials. Instead, brush the powdery mould off into the vacuum nozzle. You may want to put a piece of cheesecloth over the nozzle as a precaution. Get a special filtration vacuum if possible. Otherwise, be careful where you use the vacuum, since a normal vacuum will simply exhaust the mold spores out the back.

Allergies to Mould

Many people are allergic to mould spores. Repeated exposure or exposure to high levels of the spores can cause allergies in people who previously were not sensitive to moulds. Some moulds are toxic. If you have any reason to believe that you are sensitive to moulds or have other health problems which may be made worse by mould exposure, talk to your doctor before trying to clean mouldy objects.

There are methods of protecting yourself when working with mouldy objects. The best way is to brush spores outside or into a ventilation system while wearing protective equipment. Thin surgical or vinyl gloves will protect your hands (and also protect the object from skin oils). Wearing a dust mask will keep spores out of your respiratory system.

Drug and hardware stores sell pollen dust masks which may be adequate for light work. For heavier work use masks designed for toxic dusts. These masks will be labeled “NIOSH-approved for toxic dusts.” These are available from industrial safety suppliers.

Whether for pollens or for toxic dusts, masks will protect wearers only if they truly fit the face and have good skin contact all around the nose and mouth area. People with facial hair, very small faces, unusual facial shape, scars, or any other reason why the mask will not conform to the face will not be protected.

Remember that even after materials have been dried and superficially cleaned, you may have mould stains. Unfortunately there is very little that you can do about these, although a restoration expert may be able to lighten them. You should consult a professional restorer, if an item needs further treatment after its condition has been stabilised.