Sustainability in the Restoration Industry


The restoration industry is in itself, a naturally sustainable model based on it’s push for restore against replace.

But how can they go that bit further?

Electronic devices

In recent years many companies have strived to go paperless with use of specialist software on their electronic devices, which is fantastic at the beginning of the devices life cycle, but that creates electronic waste as phones, tablets and laptops reach their end of life.

Electrical items following a claim, should always be assessed thoroughly for restoration, before declaring them BER. Although most restoration companies have superb in-house electronic restoration facilities, there also a few dedicated companies in the restoration industry who devote their businesses to electronic restoration. Making a concerted effort to send broken devices to a reputable electronic recycling centre would be a best practice.

Remote monitoring

The use of remote monitoring is becoming ever popular in the restoration industry and reduces the trips required to assess how a EOW claim is progressing, in turn saving fuel, time and resources.

Besides logging data of humidity and temperature levels in various places in the damaged scene, electronic equipment can be operated and monitored remotely. This will provide a controlled environment for the energy used by the equipment on site.

Click here to see our Blog on remote monitoring kits

Cleaning Products

One of the first highest utilised items in the restoration industry is the cleaning chemical.  Most cleaning products can now be found in an eco-friendly, biodegradable and, where possible, plant based. This can have a significant impact on sustainability credentials, but isn’t particularly difficult or expensive to coordinate.

Cleaning cloths used to be bagged up and sent to the laundry to be washed and re-used. This practice has been lost due to the chemicals used having an impact on the environment when the waste water was discharged. Could this be re-introduced with the use of eco-friendly cleaning products?


With the many various suppliers of drying equipment now trading in the UK market, should the onus be on the power consumption of each unit as apposed to it’s water removal rate.

Keeping your equipment in tip top condition to ensure it is working at it’s most efficient, is imperative. All restoration companies have their own fleet of equipment and need to keep them ready to go.

This is where Refurbinators can ensure your equipment is regularly serviced and repaired.

Transport – Reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions

Utilising technology, all restoration companies can track and analyse their drivers. By using driving record systems, route optimisation, speed limiting devices and eco-driving training, fuel consumption can be managed and economically reduced.

The way you drive has a huge impact on how much fuel you use, and ultimately how you contribute to pollution and ultimately climate change. There are many advanced driving courses available to aid your drivers.

Not since the glory days of the milkman has the electric vehicle been so prevalent. Franchises would be the ideal place to start incorporating electric vehicles as they are bound to an area with limited traveling distance.


As the new generation become policyholders, they are much more aware of their environmental impact.

There is a greater need and demand for the world as a whole, to create more sustainable practices. Customers are becoming increasingly aware and interested, in fact one third of consumers are more likely to buy a brand if they have ethical practices in place.


If the restoration industry can show they are adopting a more sustainable approach to the management of claims, insurers will be more inclined to use those restoration companies, as in turn the insurers will attract and retain customers who are more than ever more aware of the impact that we have on the earth in addition to saving the planet.


The restoration technician needs a vast array of knowledge and skills, just to carry out their tasks assigned to them in any given day.

Knowledge of building construction, carpet material make up, psychometric charts, correct equipment to use dependent on the claim. etc.

Skills of empathy to the policy holder, good communication to all parties involved in the claims lifecycle, report writing, professionalism etc.

Frequent training of your staff will ultimately improve your sustainability, as they will understand what to do on each claim in the most efficient way

Please feel free to contact us , if you feel we have missed something